1. I cannot wait to listen to this one! Going to listen on my way home from work tonight. You all never disappoint.

  2. I was right, this episode was dope! My second favorite episode because nothing beats Racquel’s Christmas Special!

    • We’re so glad you enjoyed this episode, Jeff! And we’re super stoked you dug Ra ‘Qelle’s Christmas Special so much! We always have a blast having her in the studio!

      Any chance you’re the same Jeff Woods that had some very kind things to say about us in an editorial in the LEO a while back?

      • Yes it is! I was really pissed there was no best improv category. You all are the best and I’ve seen them all. Those Louisville Impro guys are dicks. Tried to take a class from them and it was so bad I told then to go to one of your shows to learn how to improvise with success. Hahaha. They said they didn’t know who you were. This was a year ago. You all slay the stage every single time and this podcast is fucking righteous! Love Extra Beef too!

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